Friday, January 8, 2010

Chemotherapy Symptoms What Are The Signs That Chemotherapy Is Working?

What are the signs that Chemotherapy is working? - chemotherapy symptoms

Hello to all.
I am currently receiving chemotherapy for lymphoma. I know that my symptoms more seriously, but I wonder how I can (without or PET-CT) are some examples if you can work.
My symptoms were severe cough and disadvantages of sweat. They usually come


n3utr0n said...

I'm sorry, I have an answer for you, but I read your question and thought: I suggest you search the Yahoo Groups. I bet there is a group of experienced people who would be able to help. On a personal note, I am glad that you will see positive results from the treatment! ITI I think you're on the way to connect Hodgkin's Butt! Stand firm!

FJM said...

If you're feeling good and his appetite is good, decent energy level is on the right track.

Janet K said...

I had a PET scan done and it is difficult for them. But while you feel comfortable and have the potential consequence of chemotherapy, so good - I think it's better to be tested one year after the chemotherapy. If you tested directly below, will show nothing, because the chemotherapy is still working on your system, malignant cells to be eliminated.

Janet K said...

I had a PET scan done and it is difficult for them. But while you feel comfortable and have the potential consequence of chemotherapy, so good - I think it's better to be tested one year after the chemotherapy. If you tested directly below, will show nothing, because the chemotherapy is still working on your system, malignant cells to be eliminated.

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