Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Do Platypuses Have Butts Good Breakfast Cereal Name That Relates To Platypuses?

Good breakfast cereal name that relates to Platypuses? - do platypuses have butts

Our group class must find ways to make this cereal for breakfast;
and my team has calculated that should be our models of a platypus ..

And so far, the names of cereals and Arizona, and have suggested
Name Going Down Under!


Elizabet... said...

Platy pellets
Platy Puffs
Marsupial Munchables
Aussies EATI
Outback Oh!
Platypus Captain Fabulous Fruity pancakes (breakfast Crocodile Dundee)
Chocolate Platy Cuffs
Tails and deadlines

Magical Onion said...

Plate Crunch

Gymmy-El Gato Gringo said...

Forster Mini Platypi .....:)

hi said...

You could make a flattypuss, grain Roadkill

Nahira ♥'s Kid Cudi said...

Platy Puffs

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